How Many Kids Is Too Many?
In our lives there are so many decisions that we make. There are day to day decisions, small decisions, big decisions, and so many others. It is so important that we realize the importance of making these decisions, as well as thinking about how these decisions will affect our life, as well as the lives of others. We all know some of the big ones we all face, where should I go to school, what should I study, and who should I marry. But one of the biggest decisions we will make in our lives is how many kids we should have. This decision obviously will have an effect on our lives and the lives of our significant other, but have you ever stopped to think about some of the possible myths and lies you have heard about having kids? In my post today, I am going to be emphasizing just how important it is to spend time thinking about how many kids you want, and what possible outcomes might come as a result of that decision. ...